Residential ventilating fans include bathroom exhaust fans utility room fans.
There are no national standards for residential ventilating fans. In 2018 and 2020, Colorado, Vermont, and Washington adopted state standards for ventilation fans based on ENERGY STAR Version 3.2, which was in effect from 2012 until Version 4.1 took effect in 2015. (The ENERGY STAR specification also includes kitchen range hoods, which are not covered by the Vermont standards.) The efficiency specifications for ventilation fans in ENERGY STAR Version 3.2 are equivalent to those in the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). According to EPA, ventilation fans meeting the ENERGY STAR specification are not only more efficient than standard models but are also quieter and last longer. Ventilation fans meeting ENERGY STAR Version 3.2 on average consume about 60% less energy than standard fans by using more-efficient motors and improved blade designs.
In 2021, the District of Columbia, Nevada, Oregon, and Rhode Island adopted standards similar to Version 3.2 but without the sound requirement. In 2021, Massachusetts adopted standards based on ENERGY STAR Version 4.1.
In 2019, we estimated that about 81% of total shipments of ventilation fans met the proposed standards based on ENERGY STAR Version 3.2.