Climate Progress Guest Blogger Lisa Heinzerling mentions efficiency standards languishing at OIRA.
Cass Sunstein, former Director of OMB, writes about appliance standards in this New York Times editorial. He states that "monetary benefits dwarf the costs."
NEEA (Northwest Energy Efficiency Association) reports on a new energy efficient technology for dryers. Heat pump dryers are already in use in Europe and efforts are underway to bring them to the U.S.
Consumer Reports asks readers which president signed into law the first federal standards to make appliances more efficient?
ACEEE released a white paper entitled The Rebound Effect: Large or Small? The paper is written in a "question and answer" format designed to summarize what we know, what we do not, and---given what we know---how large the rebound effect is likely to be.
Efficiency standards have a long record as a commonsense way to save money for consumers and provide important societal benefits at the same time. Source: ACEEE blog
DOE press release
Secretary Chu on appliance standards at international meeting: "The participating governments have already implemented more than 60 appliance standards that have saved 600 Twh or equivalent to 200 mid-sized power stations." Article by James Murray, businessGreen
News from the NRDC blog
First-in-the-Nation Rules Will Save Consumers Over $300 Million Annually