Media Contact: Marianne DiMascio 339-933-8140

New York Times Op-ed
By Terry Sobolewski and Ralph Cavanagh, NRDC
Partisan fights in Washington can leave the impression that we’re hopelessly divided. The truth is there are plenty of bipartisan solutions to the energy and environmental challenges we face, and energy efficiency is near the top of the list.

NRDC blog post by Ed Osann
Twenty-five years ago this week, President George H.W. Bush ushered the federal government into our bathrooms.
This turned out to be a good thing.

In a letter to House and Senate subcommittees and to DOE Secretary Perry from "the entire group of Senate-confirmed Republican and Democratic Assistant Secretaries of Energy who led the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) between 1989 and 2017", standards are billed as the "little engine that could."

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How Every State Benefits from National Appliance Standards
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Noah Horowitz blog post, NRDC
The US Department of Energy updated and expanded its definition of what constitutes an everyday light bulb, paving the way for the Trump administration to implement the second phase of a bipartisan law signed by President George W. Bush to cut the energy waste of bulbs.

On December 28, 2016, the US Department of Energy issued a direct final rule establishing the first-ever national energy efficiency standards for swimming pool pumps.