Washington—Consumer, climate, and health advocates called on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Thursday to promptly finalize the water heater efficiency standards it proposed this July. The groups submitted a letter signed by more than 140 organizations and more than 12,000 letters and petition signatures from members of the public supporting the proposal.
ASAP: Ben Somberg, bsomberg@aceee.org, 202-658-8129
AHAM: Jill Notini, jnotini@aham.org, 202-872-5955 x 318
NRDC: Emily Deanne, edeanne@nrdc.org, 202-717-8288

Energy efficiency standards for residential water heaters proposed by the Department of Energy (DOE) today would significantly reduce utility costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Washington, DC—Key product manufacturer, consumer, energy efficiency, and environmental stakeholders welcomed new federal efficiency standards for home water heaters today.
State joins movement to save consumers money with energy-efficient lighting
Contact: Ben Somberg, 202-658-8129, bsomberg@aceee.org
Contact: Ben Somberg, 202-658-8129, bsomberg@aceee.org
Contact: Ben Somberg, 202-658-8129, bsomberg@aceee.org
Washington, DC—Large electric motors and household dishwashers would use less energy and cost less to run under Department of Energy (DOE) rules announced today.